The Boring Box

Monday, February 9, 2015

my goal starting 2014 was to never feel like I'm in the boring box. What is the boring box you ask? well simple, when you feel like everything in your life is mundane. One of the easiest way to put a pep in your step is changing up your style. One little change in the wardrobe department and you'll be feeling like a new woman.. For instance.. i used to be scared of hats.. I don't know if i was scared of hats because my head is fairly large and they never fit or because i just didn't now how to wear it.. I would see tons of fashionistas wearing them and they always caught my attention but i never stepped out of my comfort zone.. Many many moons ago i was strolling the aisles of Zara when i saw a hat with a gold chain at a distance.. I tried it on and MIRACLE it fit perfectly.. i looked in the mirror and thought wow i look ridiculous I'm not cool enough for this and put the hat back.. As i am away from the hat the image of those stylist come into my mind and i thought hey if they can wear it so can i.. So i walked back and ended up buying it.. and just that little step of being out of my comfort made the world of difference because thats the first step of getting out of the boring box... I took it home went on pinterest and wrote WIDE BRIM HAT in the search and BOOM.. Inspiration bouncing off the walls.. Heres how i styled it..

p.s- in all of these pictures I'm totally out of my comfort zone.. i feel like i look like a wierdo.. but DAM does it look cute.. i assure you the days I'm wearing this hat are days I'm nowhere near my boring box

xx, steph

1 comment :

  1. Where did you get the shoes(black pumps) from the third outfit in the second picture?


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